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new LIBMPEG package; what should happen with the old one?


i intent to package the libmpeg2 1.1.0 library from
http://heroine.linuxbox.com/ and have a problem with the name of the
package :( there is allready a libmpeg1 package comming from other
developer team so it whould bracke the policy calling my package libmpeg2
but what should i do instead? call it libmpeg21?

yes this library is required for xtheater that will be done also by me...

Raphael Bossek <raphael.bossek@solutions4linux.de> [ICQ #40047651]
PGP fingerprint: DF 6F 2C 76 46 1E B4 1C  5B A5 2E 1B FC E0 D3 F6
PGP public key: http://www.solutions4linux.de/private/pgpkey.asc

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