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Re: cron and anacron

On 07-Jan-00, 13:21 (CST), Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh@valinux.com> wrote: 
> As to why it suggests it, that I do not know.

Because somebody once requested/suggested that cron suggest anacron,
apparently with sufficient reasoning to make me agree.

I suspect[1] the reasoning was thus:

If you're installing cron[2], then you have a need for jobs to run
periodically. Many of our users don't run their machines 24/7, so it is
usefull for them to have anacron installed, so let's suggest it. Because
there are users who are 24/7 and don't need anacron, don't annoy them
with recommends[3].


[1] Or at least this is my reasoning now.

[2] Ignoring the fact that it get's install by default and a lot of packages
pretty much require it.

[3] Insert standard rant about the evils of dselect's treatment of

Steve Greenland <vmole@swbell.net>
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