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ITP: solid-pop3d

Solid POP3 is a POP3 service supporting Maildir, PAM, vhosting etc.

It is GPL'd, and I would suggest main/extra/mail as an archive

** Need a system user ID

Solid POP3 expects the user ID "spop3d" to exist. My preliminary
package scripts dynamically create/delete this on install/purge. If
anyone has any objections, please say so. I've put my prelim package
on va so that people who know more about these things than me (not
hard) can comment on how I've done it- see
<URL:http://www.debian.org/~araqnid/solid-pop3d>. It seems to me that
checking for the existence of a particular user ID is hard, when you
take into account that you ought to do it through /etc/nsswitch.conf.

Please cc: me on any replies.

Steve Haslam      http://www.arise.demon.co.uk/      steve@arise.demon.co.uk
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer                               araqnid@debian.org
but I won't admit to needing you
I'll never say that's true, not to you                  [sister machine gun]

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