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using debconf as registry


i'm unsing debconf as a common user interface installating the
package sslwrap. i save some parameter and directory entries
in the debconf db and use this them later for instance in my
init.d script that will be started in the boot phase. the problem
is that debconf use libterm-readline-gnu-perl and libreadlieng2
requests a valid /dev/tty.
joey told me that i should not use debconf as a registry :-) instead
i should create a text file where i have to save my settings again but i
ask me why should i do that? joey means that this is unix! and i
say we can do it better! because multiple configuration files tent to
confusion. if someone wish to change the settings can use dpkg.

Raphael Bossek <raphael.bossek@solutions4linux.de> [ICQ #40047651]
PGP fingerprint: DF 6F 2C 76 46 1E B4 1C  5B A5 2E 1B FC E0 D3 F6
PGP public key: http://www.solutions4linux.de/private/pgpkey.asc

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