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Re: We can halve volume by not allowing nondevelopers to post

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On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 07:48:14 +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:

>yes, i have read it.  they suggest it as one possible use.  they were wrong.

    OH, Craig Sanders, god of the internet and all knowing, decides that an
RFC was wrong because he feels like it.  Forgive my imputence, on wonderous

>do not reply to me.

    Then don't send mail to a public forum that I am a part of, send mail
addresses to me in a public forum or send me private mail.  For each you
send to me I can, and often do, have the right to reply.

>BTW, in case you are wondering why i despise you so much it is because
>you spammed me. i despise spammers.  I once told you specifically not
>to email me something. you ignored that instruction and sent it anyway.
>that was spam. i told you to piss off. you responded by sending me more
>junk. that was spam too. i blocked you from my mailbox with a procmail
>filter. you sent me more junk from different addresses. that was more
>spam. you stopped only when i rigged up procmail to return crap from any
>one of your addresses to all of them.

    Nah, I stopped because you were boring me.  And in each case I was
responding to your inane arguements.  As I said, each time you send me
something I can reply.  

>spammers are vermin, the scum of the earth.

    As for dispising spammers, what about yourself, Craig?
To: Steve Lamb <morpheus@rpglink.com>
Cc: Debian developers list <debian-devel@lists.debian.org>

    I've specifically requested that I do not get copies of list mail dozens
of times, both in public and to you specifically, in public and private.
Yet you flat out refuse to acknowledge that and continue to do so.  By your
very own definition you are spamming me.  So, do you dispise yourself?  Do
you consider yourself vermin?  Scum of the earth?  I hope so because you're
doing exactly what you dispise.

>an incompetent buffoon like you is not qualified to judge.

     Lucid as ever.
>the rest of your "points" ignored. i couldn't be bothered reading your
>worthless dreck and i certainly couldn't be bothered wasting my time

    Translation:  Craig needed his nap because he was getting cranky.  Why?
Because a mean old man decided to take his unfounded arguements and rip them
to shreads.  And since Craig can only respond with insults and threats
instead of reasoned and thought out debates, he decided to run away crying.

    Craig, if you certainly couldn't be bothered wasting your time replying,
why *DID* you reply only to the flamage, not the arguement at hand, with
more flamage, in a public forum where several people now have requested you
to take it private.  I'm more than willing to do so, you don't see your
*SPAM* to me being bounce back to you in a childish game of not wanting to
take responsibility for one's actions.

- -- 
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------
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