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Re: Slink to potato upgrade

ijr@po.cwru.edu writes:

> On 21-Mar-99 Kevin Dalley wrote:
> > After working with a broken system for about a week, I believe that
> > there is only one solution.  We have to allow both glibc2 and glib2.1
> > to be installed at the same time.  We should change the soname for
> > glib2.1.  Only packages which are tested with glib2.1 should link with
> > glib2.1.  Even if all of the Debian packages in 2.2 work with the new
> > libraries, Debian users will have problems with their programs.  Let's 
> > play it safe and change the soname.
> > 
> Erm, wouldn't this have the side effect of breaking binary compatibility with
> every other soon to be glibc2.1 distribution?  Wouldn't this be a BAD thing?

Yes, it would be a bad thing.  But if the binaries are not compatible,
it is the only option.  The other distributions should make the same
decision.  Perhaps we can fix the libraries so that they are truly
compatible.  We have some time.

John Lines <john@paladin.demon.co.uk> suggested placing a wrapper
around the programs in our distribution which do not work with the new 
libraries.  This only works if no Debian user complains its own
programs.  Since our system allows users to compile our own programs,
we must ensure true compatibility, or change the soname.  There is not 
another choice.

Kevin Dalley
SETI Institute

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