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Re: Gnome to be removed from debian?


> I'm sorry but I haven't defined what I meant under 'doing nothing'.
> I meant doing nothing as in doing nothing to try to have total
> control every minute of the unstable distribution's existance.
> However, I think you people who want to work on it must *not* be
> stopped or held in any way. I just think that in current circumstances,
> of new GTK+ every 4-5 days, and new GNOME in about the same time,
> total awareness and usability of all related packages (and I mean
> *package*, not programs) and at the same time is impossible
> to accomplish.

Ah, I see.  Okay that makes sense.

> Maybe if there was a tightly knit and skilled group that would
> maintain small parts of the current problem, that part would be
> reasonably well made. If that part was the core of the problem,
> it would resolve a lot. Still, there is no complete solution to
> the anarchy around the core.
> Mess is inevitable, and we have learned to live with it so far.
> Inexperienced users have problems with it, but Debian's position
> on the distribution dubbed unstable is defined.

Indeed mess is inevitable.  If we are going to distribute GNOME in Debian
all we can do is try to minimize the mess (boy is that going to be a pain
:).  It'll be great once GNOME finally does become stable or even beta.

Ossama Othman <othman@cs.wustl.edu>
58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

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