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Question about dselect

Quick question about some odd behavior that I do not recall seeing any mail

I recently replaced exim with qmail as that is what I have to administer at
work and I would rather glitch something up at home vs on-the-job.

So, since there is not an official Debian package for qmail, I figured that
I could compile it on my  own and then use dselect to remove exim gracefully.
Of course, I would have to put the qmail-to-sendmail redirectors in place,
but that is easy.

Slight problem though, when I removed exim, dselect also wanted to remove
all of my MTA and mail related packages (i.e.: af, anacron, at, elm-me+,
fmirror, logrotate, mailx and mutt), so of course, I exited the Select
phase of dselect with the "Q" option to force it to ignore the depends.

Imagine my surprise when deselect informed me that it would be removing
the packages that I _thought_ I had forced to stay installed.

Now, this doesn't hurt me too badly as I am capable of manually installing
software, but it does mean that the automatic check for critical updates, etc.
that dselect does are now unavailable on this system.

I'm posting to the devel list since this seems to be a problem with dselect
rather than operator error (or at least the RTFM on the man pages, HOWTO's and
user/devel list archives didn't turn up anything usefull).

I will provide any and all info needed to help solve this problem (as well
as don my asbestos undies to preclude any over-scorching should this post
engender any flames).

- Ed

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