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ITP: lukemftp, (possibly) libedit

lukemftp is a port of the well-known and well-loved NetBSD "enhanced"
version of the netkit FTP client.  From the README:


lukemftp' is what many users affectionately call the enhanced ftp
client in NetBSD (http://www.netbsd.org).  The lukem' comes from
the account name of the person who did most of the enhancements
(Luke Mewburn <lukem@netbsd.org>).

This package is a port' of the NetBSD ftp client to other systems.

The enhancements over the standard ftp client in 4.4BSD include:
        * command-line editing within ftp
        * command-line fetching of URLS, including support for:
            - http proxies
            - authentication
        * context sensitive command and filename completion
        * dynamic progress bar
        * IPv6 support (from the WIDE project)
        * modification time preservation
        * paging of local and remote files, and of directory listings
        * socks4/socks5 support
        * TIS Firewall Toolkit gate' ftp proxy support
        * transfer-rate throttling			

It is at ftp://karybdis.cs.rmit.edu.au/pub/, license is (predictably) BSD.

It currently doesn't seem to work on Alpha, I am fixing this at the moment.

Its feature set is similar to lftp, but it is not written in C++:

dhd@bender:/home/bigbuilds/lukemftp-1.0b4/src$ ls -l /usr/bin/lftp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       321720 Oct 20 20:09 /usr/bin/lftp
dhd@bender:/home/bigbuilds/lukemftp-1.0b4/src$ ls -l ftp
-rwxrwxr-x   1 dhd      src        141376 Oct 23 22:04 ftp

libedit is the BSD equivalent of GNU Readline.  lukemftp links it in
statically but I will try to find an upstream source for a ported version of

As you can see, because lukemftp is the defaut /usr/bin/ftp on all BSD
systems, it builds as "ftp" by default.  I presume that I should probably
rename the executable and manpage - any suggestions?

   Everything should be clear by now, so you won't need any examples.
       - from the CLC-INTERCAL manual (http://www.assurdo.com/INTERCAL/)

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