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Re: [PATCH] latest ash has broken 'echo' command

Marek Habersack <grendel@vip.net.pl> wrote:
> That's about a *script*, we're talking about the *shell* which is supposed
> to provide every capability in the standard. This means the echo command

Sorry, I don't follow.  Who says that we must implement every *optional*
capability in the standard? Many of them in incompatible.

> Still, what I said above applies here. Supporting the params in the shell's
> builtin is NOT breaking the standard or making the shell non-portable. Shell
> itself doesn't use the builtin, the scripts do. And scripts are written by
> people who make decisions whether their script is to be portable or not.

You're right.  ash's old behaviour was probably POSIX.2 compliant.  But our
policy currently says that #!/bin/sh scripts need to work with *all* POSIX.2
compliant shells.  This is not possible as it currently stands.  So after
potato is released, we should either change the policy or start fixing those
scripts (unlikely due to the number involved here as well as traditional
practice on Linux).
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