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ITP: lwm

The Light Window Manager is an extremely small and fast window manager
that has all of the functionality a user could reasonably want,
especially in a program of its size.  To give you an idea: the stripped
binary is 24164 bytes on my system.

I searched the -devel archives and came up empty, but if you ITPd this and
would still like to package it, please let me know and I will stop. 
Otherwise, ETA for this package is two days. 

The author writes:

lwm is a window manager for X that tries to keep out of your face. There
are no icons, no button bars, no icon docks, no root menus, no nothing: if
you want all that, then other programs can provide it.  There's no
configurability either: if you want that, you want a different window
manager; one that helps your operating system in its evil conquest of your
disc space and its annexation of your physical memory.

That paragraph has probably told you whether or not you're the sort of
person who can cope with lwm. Welcome to my world!

The program's homepage is <URL:http://users.ch.genedata.com/~enh/lwm/>.


William Ono <wmono@debian.org>                             PGP key: 0x93BA6AFD
 fingerprint = E3 64 C5 43 3E B3 2D A6  C6 D7 E3 45 90 24 78 DE = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!           "640k ought to be enough for everybody."

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