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ALSA package

Hi, I'll upload new alsa package. Because of chaging alsa packaging
policy, those of who maintain alsa related package should read this

First, what the alsa related maintainers need to know is the following

 * libasound0.4
 * libasound0.4-dev

They are current stable version of ALSA library. Most of application
would use this library. Note that libasound0 and libasound0-dev will
be removed, because the above packages are mostly their replacements.
So if your pacakges link libasound0-dev, then you should need to
rebuild these package with libasound0.4-dev.

In addition, there are packages `libasound0.5' and `libasound0.5-dev'.
This is a cvs version of ALSA. 

What is the differences of the packages between `libasound0.4' and
`libasound0.5'? The current libasound0.5 is development version, so
as you can see `apt-cache show libasound0.5', this depends on
alsa-base-unstable, and this revision is considered for releasing
libasound0.5, that is 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.1999..... (if libasound0.5 is
released, then the reversion will be 0.5.0). Currently, if you want to
use libasound0.5, you need to install alsa-base-unstable and
alsa-modules-unstable-<ver>. The process would be something like:

~/kernel-source-2.2.12$ sudo apt-get install alsa-source-unstable
~/kernel-source-2.2.12$ tar zxvf /usr/src/alsadriver-unstable.tar.gz -C ..
~/kernel-source-2.2.12$ MODULE_LOC='../modules' fakeroot make-kpkg modules_image ; cd .. 
~$ sudo debpkg -i alsa-modules-unstable-2.2.12*.deb
~$ sudo apt-get install alsautils-unstable

Note that these libraries `libasound0.4' and `libasound0.5' can't coexist.
Because both of them use the same device with different kernel drivers.
So if you try to install libasound0.5, then libasound0.4 is removed.

However, after I think twice about the unstable version, I'm cofused
whether it is a good thing to upload them to debian archive. If I
upload them , the unstable versions are distributed as a poart of
stable debian release when potato is released. There is another way
to upload the unstable version into private apt line.


~# apt-cache show alsa-base
Package: alsa-base
Version: 0.4.1c-2
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: whiptail, modutils (>= 2.3.5-1)
Suggests: alsadriver, alsautils
Replaces: alsa-modules, alsa-base-unstabl


~# apt-cache show alsa-headers    
Package: alsa-headers
Version: 0.4.1c-2
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>


~# apt-cache show libasound0.4
Package: libasound0.4
Version: 0.4.1-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1), alsa-base (>> 0.4), alsa-base (<< 0.5)
Suggests: alsadriver
Conflicts: libasound0, alsalib0.3.0, alsalib0.3.2
Replaces: alsalib0.3.0, alsalib0.3.2, libasound0


~# apt-cache show libasound0.4-dev
Package: libasound0.4-dev
Version: 0.4.1-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libasound0.4
Provides: alsalib-dev
Replaces: alsalib0.3.0-dev, alsalib0.3.2-dev, libasound0 (<= 0.4.1-2)


ikura:~# apt-cache show alsautils
Package: alsautils
Version: 0.4.1-2
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libasound0.4 (>> 0.4.1), libc6 (>= 2.1), libncurses4 (>= 4.2-3.1)
Suggests: alsadriver


ikura:~# apt-cache show alsa-base-unstable
Package: alsa-base-unstable
Version: 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.19991019+0947-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: whiptail, modutils (>= 2.3.5-1)
Suggests: alsadriver, alsautils
Conflicts: alsa-base
Replaces: alsa-modules, alsa-base


ikura:~# apt-cache show libasound0.5      
Package: libasound0.5
Version: 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.19991016+1734-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1), alsa-base-unstable (>> 0.4), alsa-base-unstable (<< 0.5)
Suggests: alsadriver
Conflicts: alsa-base
Replaces: alsalib0.3.0, alsalib0.3.2


ikura:~# apt-cache show libasound0.5-dev
Package: libasound0.5-dev
Version: 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.19991016+1734-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libasound0.5
Provides: alsalib-dev
Replaces: alsalib0.3.0-dev, alsalib0.3.2-dev, libasound0 (<= 0.4.1-2)


ikura:~# apt-cache show alsa-headers-unstable 
Package: alsa-headers-unstable
Version: 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.19991019+0947-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Conflicts: alsa-headers
Replaces: alsa-headers


ikura:~# apt-cache show alsautils-unstable   
Package: alsautils-unstable
Version: 0.4.1.c+pre0.5.0.19991016+1733-1
Priority: extra
Section: sound
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi <taru@debian.org>
Depends: libasound0.5, libc6 (>= 2.1), libncurses4 (>= 4.2-3.1)
Suggests: alsadriver
Conflicts: alsautils
Replaces: alsautils


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