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Re: libtool patch -- was Re: easy way to tell if "in" package build?

>  > Please do not use such a patch in the Debian package (it
>  > would only make me to use the upstream libtool).

Yes, please do NOT.

> If I can retain the same behavior as the upstream libtool and still
> enforce Debian policy for library paths in Debian package binaries why
> would you use the upstream libtool?  In fact, the libtool packages
> (1.3.3-3) I just uploaded do just that.  Library path encoding is only
> shut off during a Debian package build (at least that what's supposed
> to happen :).  All other times, libtool behavior is unmodified.

My feeling is strongly that tools shouldn't behave
differently just b/c you are making a package.  If you do
so you will ruin someone's day, b/c they won't be able to
figure out why the program behaves "funny" when built from
a src deb v. the src package.

This feature should be added as an option accepted by a
libtool-generated `configure', which should then be given
in the debian-build phase.  At least then affected packages
will be clearly indicated *in that package*.

Probably a patch to do that would be welcomed by the
upstream maintainer.  Or maybe he has good, relevant
reasons which _we_ (er, Debian) should consider...

Finally, libtool is way too complex as it is.  Let's not add
anything Debian-specific please.

- Dave

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