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speeding up the release cycle (was Re: Debian's problems)

Raul Miller <moth@magenta.com> writes:

> No exactly.  [Like you say, we can't dictate where people will spend
> their time.  So it would still only take three months for Joe to finish
> his 'foo' package -- but if he finishes it while unstable is closed he
> might have to wait a bit before he uploads it.]

There have been various proposals to speed up the release cycle. 

Maybe something like this could work:

We could have a frozen branch in the archive all the time.
A package can only get there, if

 a) the maintainer uploads a known good version to it (by tagging it
    for frozen) and  
 b) the package does not have a release critical bug against it.

If a release critical bug is opened, the package will be removed and
cannot get back there without a testing period (?). Maybe some checks
must be passed before a package gets in (?).

If the developers are as cautious to upload there as they are to
stable, this will yield a frozen of high quality and will make the release
process easier:

1) There is always a release candidate.
2) We always see how far it is. 
3) Great transitions are easier to manage. 
4) Known bad packages do not have to be removed.
5) This will set the "goal" for all package maintainers.

What do you think?


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Jens.Ritter@weh.rwth-aachen.de   grimaldi@debian.org
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
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