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Re: Debian getting better! (was Re: Senseless Bickering and Overpoliticization)



I wish to make some positive comments, which I hope will help.

I am a long term user of Debian. I am not a maintainer, and am not on the
debian-devel list, and so I am not sure if this letter will actually get
onto the list. If it does not, please would one of you post it onto the
list for me?

Please also reply to me personally, not just to the list.

I have read about these problems in debian-news. I was horrified when I
downloaded some of the discussion from debian-devel. I don't understand
some of the things said, because they are written in American.  But I
gleaned sufficient to see that all is not good!

I am a scientist, working in a broad range of disciplines. I first learnt
to program computers in 1969. I have used a vast range of different
computers and operating systems, and have programmed in well over thirty
different languages.

I have been using Debian for a few years now; upgrading gradually as I see
fit. I first found it on the Higher Education National Software Archive
(HENSA) in Britain. 

Debian is far and away the best operating system, and software suite, that
I have used in thirty years. It has never once let me down through the
last few years of intensive usage. I have found it easy to install, and
very easy to configure for my own particular needs. The vast wealth of
documentation has ensured this.

All of the thousands of people who have developed this software, and all
of the Debian developers who have packaged and maintained it, have done so
as unpaid volunteers in their own time, and at their own expense. 

The quality of your work is outstanding. All of you should be justly proud
of your achievements in giving all this to the World. My thanks go out to
all of you. 

For all of you who have provided Debian, to quarrel now is mere folly.
Please forget each other's angry words. All of you have earned the respect
of a mass of users around the world. Insults are meaningless, and futile. 

Best wishes,

Helen McCall

E-Mail: helen@dinoflagellate.demon.co.uk
Tel: 01752 342675
Fax: 08700 525850

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