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Re: debian-devel-digest Digest V99 #1035

> Hi,
> >>"J" == J H M Dassen \(Ray\) <J.H.M.> writes:
>  J> It can reasonably be argued that not even X, let alone a
>  J> particular GUI library on top of X, is a major component of
>  J> Debian. Looking at the description in the policy manual, I'd say
>  J> only packages with Priority: "required" or "important" qualify as
>  J> such.
>         Umm, I would relax that to include standard proirity packages
>  those are supposed to be ``standard'', and thus ormally expected to
>  be present.
>         manoj

There is a lot of GPL-licensed software out there that depends
upon X.  I don't think that anyone requires those packages to be
accompanied by a GPL-ed X implementation.  So, it appears that X
is considered to be a "major component" for purposes of the GPL.

Similarly, I think (I'm not sure) that there is GPL-ed software
that can be linked with Motif.  If that's legal, then I don't see
why other toolkits like Qt can't be used as well, regardless of
their licenses.

- Kris

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