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imagemagick and imagemagick-nonfree issue


I detected a really strange situation:
Christian Kurz has done a NMU for imagemagick (main) -- thanks
Christian.  At first I thought nothing has changed because the
new package also was broken for me.  After discussion with
Christian I found out, that the reason was the old
libmagick4g-lzw library, which I installed.  Now I really wonder
how that could be, that a set of packages which has the same
upstream source is produced from different source packages.
At the current time the packages which go into main are based
on imagemagick-4.2.8 but the non-free packages are based on
imagemagick-4.0.4.  This is really strange because the non-free
part could conflict with the main part from which it depends
on.  In the current situation it breaks the program (for sure
because the reported bug is not solved for the non-free package,
but it may be because it is the wrong upstream source).

I consider this as an importand bug.

In my opinion all things which have a common upstream source
should build based on a common base.  I have no overview about
the situation of other packages but I think there should be a
policy for such cases which avoids doubling upstream sources
in the source tree, which could lead to such strange problems.

In fact I would try to fix this situation because Christian Kurz
wanted to deal with his smail package first (which might be more
important).  This brings up a technical problem for me.  The
difference in the rules file is a single different switch for
configure (--enable-lzw).  How is to proceed for this case?

I used to do the configure stuff under

build: build-stamp

OK, that will build the free part.  In the process of 

binary-arch: build

I move all the architecture dependand stuff to the right directories.
Could I perform a further configure with the --enable-lzw switch
in this section of the rules file to get the non-free libraries
compiled and move them afterwards to the non-free directories?

Would this break anything?  Furthermore it is possible to build
packages from one source which conflicts with other packages of
the same source bacause the control file of the non-free library
has the lines

Conflicts: libmagick, libmagick-lzw, libmagick4g
Replaces: libmagick, libmagick-lzw, libmagick4g

which are fairly packages of the main section.

If this all makes no problems I would do an NMU with these
changes (would this be OK Scott???).

Kind regards


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