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Re: Working for Debian is not just about packages

On Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 11:23:37AM +0900, sen_ml@eccosys.com wrote:
> as a complete digression, has there ever been any talk of allowing
> keybindings to be customized in dselect?  (perhaps this is not
> something i should ask :-) )

Yes, dselect is confusing for beginners and that's something that
needs to be given a thought. But allowint the changing of the key
bindings really isn't doing any good for that!

It's hard enough for a beginner to learn the default dselect, needs
he learn it again every time is absolutely too much. Just imagine
a newbie calling his guru accross the street and the guru coming
to fix the newbie's installation - with different key bindings
than in the guru's own dselect!

Or imagine someone giving advice via email:
 "Then press 'Q' (or whatever your language version or something
 has the force-depends bound to) to continue with forcing the

It's OK to allow "common user level" programs to be customized
but programs like dselect, cfdisk, vi, etc. must work the same


   Panu Hällfors, panupa@iki.fi

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