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ITP: smartupstools

I'm going to package %subj% (www.exploits.org). Could you help me resolve
a few things?

The primary (hw dependent) daemon monitoring a UPS needs to talk to UPS
via /dev/ttyS*, which is "rw-rw---- root.dialout" after standard
installation. Then there is another daemon, upsd, which reads info put by
the lower daemon into /var/state/ups. clients then get data from upsd.

 [ups box] <-serial-> model_daemon <-/var/state/ups-> upsd <--> clients

Originally, both daemons run as nobody.nogroup. To get access to the port,
I changed that (#define GID=20) and now they run as nobody.dialout.

I want you to comment on the right UID/GID for the programs. How about
creating standard account/group related to UPS?

Next thing, /var/state/ups has to be owned by nobody, to be rw accessible
by both daemons. Is there a way to get the file into .deb with owner
already changed, or the chown must go into postinst script? (It's excluded
from dh_fixperms already).

jozef  :-)  
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

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