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Intend to split: zmailer and zmailer-ssl

Hi all,

The latest versions of ZMailer contain support for traffic encryption over
the SMTP channel, using OpenSSL. This makes it impossible for Debian to
distribute it in the main archive at ftp.debian.org. 

First I thought just moving the package to non-us.debian.org would solve
this issue (and actually it does), but Joey (M.S.) convinced me to split the
package into a 'normal' package and a ssl-enabled package. The upstream
author support such things by creating a 'make dist-usa', which generates a

Hence, I intend to split the package - I'll upload that resulting tarball to
the main archive as .orig.tar.gz, with a pointer to the 'make dist-usa'
thing and the "really original" sources in the debian/copyright file.

I think this suffices. Any comments, objections?


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