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Re: a c++ question

On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 07:50:45AM -0300, Ivan J. Varzinczak wrote:
: Hi folks! 
:    I'm willing to declare an object inside a while loop and
: do something with it, like this:
:    while(condition){
:       ClassOfTheObject object1;
:       ... 
:       insert object1 in a list, for example;
:       ... 
:    }
:    The most impressionant is that in the second time the code 
: of the loop is executed, object1 references the same object, so
: the changes in atributes of the object1 of the first execution
: are lost and all that is made with the object of the second ite-
: ration overwrites the first iteration one. After this, I have
: two objects exactly equal. In the same way, if the loop is exe-
: cuted n times, I'll get n equal objects. 

object1 is storage class `auto' ... it's {con,de}structed for
each iteration.  (You may insert cerr<< - statements in the
{con,de}structor methods.

Since it's _automatic_ you can't use the reference or a pointer
to that object outside your loop!  Some compilers issue a warning if you
do so.

It depends on the implementation of `insert(object1)' if it works.
Normally (?) insert(object1) should make a own copy of the object to be
inserted, since it can't guess anything about the storage class
of the object to be inserted.

    Best Regards from Dresden / Germany,
    Viele Gruesse aus Dresden,
    Heiko Schlittermann
[internet & unix support ----------------- Heiko Schlittermann]
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[Heiko Schlittermann HS12-RIPE finger:heiko@schlittermann.de -]
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