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anyone want to package SCOOBS? (GPL'ed XML Search Engine)

SCOOBS is an XML-smart search engine that was recently GPL'ed; I'm not
sure I'll have time to build it, but if it gets packaged I'll
certainly use it :-)


     * [June 25, 1999]   SCOOBS XML Search Engine Now Open Source.
       Troy D. Milner (Monash University) posted an announcement to the
       effect that the SCOOBS XML Search Engine is now open source, viz.,
       governed by the GNU Public License. SCOOBS (Search and
       Classification Of Object Based information Sources) is a 'Context
       Based Search Engine' that "allows for the context to be derived
       from an XML document. This means that we can now search for
       documents that exhibit a certain context. We can search for 'plum
       pudding', that has a context only of a 'recipe', and SCOOBS will
       return 'plum pudding recipes', and not 'plum pudding' from
       restaurant menus and the like. SCOOBS also returns XPointers to
       exact locations in XML documents, and allows users to locate
       sub-documents of documents. Now you can travel from a search
       result straight to the position in a document where that search
       information is located. SCOOBS offers a very unique merged XML
       output, where you can request that it gathers all the XML
       documents of your results and merge them together, removing all
       the irrelevant information in the original document." For other
       information, see the SCOOBS Web site.

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