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RE: alternative man page reader?

Shaleh <shaleh@livenet.net>:
> Maybe I am wrong here but, how else are you gonna do it?  man pages are written
> in roff format (think of it as old html).  Any other man reader would have to
> speak roff as well.

Manual pages are actually written in a new language, defined
using the troff macro language. It is much simpler than the
real troff language.

Many years ago Henry Spencer (of C News fame) wrote an
AWK program that interpreted manual page formatting and
produced text output. Someone later wrote a C version of
that, which was much faster.

I vaguely remember using them when Linux was young and
I shared a 109 megabyte hard disk between three operating
systems and manual pages were a luxury.

Stupid little mailer under construction, sorry for any problems.

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