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Re: package.reboot-postinst

Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> writes:

> I think that there is a need for a package installation script to be able to
> perform tasks after a reboot.

You know, I can guarantee that someone is going to say "Windows can do 
that; therefore windows is better".  Well, maybe not on this list.

Actually, what I don't understand is why having a self-deleting script 
in /etc/init.d is so bad, so long as the script is created in the one
of the install scripts (so that dpkg's database doesn't get

The thing is, in general you're going to want something run on reboot
at a specific time during the boot process - so any method is going to
have to guarantee that a given one-time script is run when it's
supposed to be run.  Really, the current setup seems ideal for this.
I would suggest a common prefix or suffix to these scripts; something
like naming them ${package}_onetime or similar.

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