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Intent to package... but do you really want to know?


I hope this subject line is catchy :)

I'll package inetutils, which produces the following binaries:

inetutils, syslogd, talk-hurd, talkd-hurd, telnet-hurd, telnet-hurd

This is unavoidable if we want to use network in Hurd, the Linux tools are
too Linux specific. Note that inetutils works also on linux, but I set
architecture to hurd-i386 for now.

Ideally, we would see network packages merging in the future, but this would
require a certain amount of cooperation between currently unrelated
projects, and a reorganization of the source code.

Oh, inetutils is from GNU.

Note that syslogd does is not a name conflict to sysklogd,
which is another package (note the "k"), although this seems to be an older
name for it. Will this create a problem?

The need to append "-hurd" is because our universe doesn't know the
difference between different architectures too well.

That's for now,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org     master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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