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Re: Switching to CVS: how to get all my Debian diffs?

>>>>> "SB" == Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@pasteur.fr> writes:

    SB> On Tuesday 9 March 1999, at 19 h 43, the keyboard of Wichert Akkerman 
    SB> <wichert@cs.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:

    >> If somebody comes up with an easy way to do this I just might switch to
    >> CVS. 

    SB> Here is a script (it is an updated version of cvs-inject, which is in cvs-buildpackage) that Frederic Lepied <Frederic.Lepied@sugix.frmug.org> wrote and that I did not test yet:

Here is how to use it:

After  the  first  version  is  injected  into  CVS  with  the  normal
arguments, you have to use the new paramater -u to inject the changes.
If the debian  release is -1 the orig source is  also injected. The -u
option   follow  the   same  TAG   names  convention   as   the  other
cvs-buildpackage commands  but the  sources are injected  diretly into
the main branch.
Fred - May the source be with you

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