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Re: Win32 port of Debian ?

I would help you, if there is something I could do. I'm no C programmer
(only the basics) and I don't know the .deb internals. I have Windows
and Debian and like it very much. If there is anything I could do, I
would help. I think it's a great idea to port some Unix program and it
would be really cool to have a dpkg Windows port and .debs.
Maybe I could setup some Webpages or we could discuss, how we could
organize the directory structure (you cannot use/create the /bin /usr
/home /var /lib in the root dir).

>Well, the port has been an idea for at least a year - unfortunately, I
>haven't had enough time to get very far on it.
>There is a win32@lists.debian.org mailing list set up for discussing
>the port.
>There certainly seems to be most of the elements needed to do a
>partial Debian port to the cygwin environment.  I know egcs, binutils,
>most of the base stuff, ncurses, xlib, and perl do work with cygwin.
>That's most of the tricky stuff.
>I have gotten dpkg-deb compiled for cygwin - but I haven't tackled the
>rest of dpkg yet.  The next step was to make binary packages out of
>all the programs from the Cygnus binaries - that way we could replace
>the packages with ones compiled from source in a piecemeal manner.
>I've got the scripts half written to do that - I just ran out of time
>to finish the job off properly.


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