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Orphaning DailyUpdate

	The latest version of DailyUpdate needs the perl
	module URI.pm; this seems to conflict libwww-perl.
	I don't have enough energy to manage this transition
	currently; I hereby orphan dailyupdate. It never was
	up-to-date, so total removal may even be desirable
	(upstream has 6.01, Debian has a hacked 4.5).

	If you want it, announce it here and upload a new version
	with your name; or catch me at irc.

	Here's the description from
              Daily Update is a perl script I wrote to help keep
myself up to date with the world. (I was missing Dilbert just way too
much.) Daily Update integrates information from the internet into your
web page. When you run the script, it searches the input file for
special tags such as <dailyupdate name=apnews style=twocolumn>, and
inserts the dynamic information that it collects from the net into
that spot in the output file. If you want, you can check out my

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