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Re: Apt rocks; Gnome rocks.

Previously Alan Eugene Davis wrote:
> The problem is that there is no one-to-one mapping  of hamm to slink
> in some packages.  One hamm package is found in four or more slink
> files.

We are going to address this issue though. For X there will very likely
be an upgrade path that does not suffer from this problem. For the
netstd package that has been split up we have yet to find a good
solution; if you use dselect to do the upgrade (dselect can use apt!) it
should have installed the new packages  automatically by the way.

> Mc was written by the guy who I think started gnome, Miquel van
> Smoorenberg (spelling wrong).  This guy is in Mexico, and has been a
> key linux developer.  I am now apt-getting the gnome mc package.  

You are confusing two people: we have Miquel van Smoorenburg, who wrote
things like sysvinit and minicom and is a Debian developer, and lives in
The Netherlands. The person you are referring to is Miguel de Icaza, who
is responsible for a lot of the GNOME project, and is indeed also the
author of mc.


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