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[Suggestion] Dvipdfm, a DVI to PDF translator

Someone might want to package this. From http://odo.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/:

What is dvipdfm?  

Dvipdfm is a DVI to PDF translator. Its features include: 

      TeX \special's that approximate the functionality of the PostScript
      pdfmarks used by Adobe Acrobat Distiller. Links, outlines, articles, and
      named destinations are supported, for example. 
      Ability to include PDF files and JPEG files as embedded images. For PDF
      files, only the first page is included. Resources will be embedded from the
      original file as necessary. File inclusion does not work for PDF files that
      store the page contents in several segments in an array.

      Support for arbitrary linear graphics transformations. Any material on
      the page can be scaled and rotated.

      A color stack accessible via \special's.

      Beginning of page (BOP) and end of page (EOP) \special's for placing
      arbitrary PDF stream graphics on every page.

Cheers, Dirk

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                                             -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

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