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Re: Qt license change

On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 10:13:15AM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> Qt 2.0 will be under a new, Open Source, license. [*]
> Announcement: http://www.troll.no/announce/qpl.html
> Draft license: http://www.troll.no/qpl/
> Coverage: http://slashdot.org/articles/98/11/18/0016241.shtml
> [*] I've not analysed the license thoroughly, but it looks DFSG-free indeed.

I've spent the past 30 minutes doing JUST THAT.  Not only is it DFSG free,
it looks like it is 100% compatible with the GPL!  If not completely in
terms of the words, it is in the spirit and the words are merely a draft.

This is truly amazing.  My best wishes to Troll Tech, it took a lot of guts
to make your one major product Free Software.  Too bad they wrote it in C++
huh?  Or is someone looking at writing a C wrapper perhaps?

Show me the code or get out of my way.

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