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Re: Creating Packages with DebHelper

> In article <[🔎] m0zdwRS-000IioC@polya>, jdg@maths.qmw.ac.uk (Julian Gilbey) writes:
> > I am in the process of trying to package my first Debian package --
> > a simple one called CWEB.  I'm reading the debhelper docs, the
> > HOWTO.cvs (which doesn't seem to be quite accurate any more as root
> > no longer seems to be able to cvs commit files),
> You mean the documentation that comes with cvs-buildpackage ?  I don't
> think it advocates doing cvs commits as root.  I never do anything as
> root,  in fact (I use fakeroot).

In section 2 of the HOWTO.cvs, it is explained how to modify the
CVSROOT/modules file.  And THAT is done as root.

> > the Debian
> > Packaging manual, the New Maintainer Debian Packaging HOWTO, the....
> Remember to read the Developer's Reference, for all things
> developer-related that are not related to actual technical packaging
> work. ;)

Of course!  8-)



            Julian Gilbey             Email: J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
       Dept of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary & Westfield College,
                  Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, ENGLAND
      -*- Finger jdg@goedel.maths.qmw.ac.uk for my PGP public key. -*-

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