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Cannot boot using i386-disks as of 31/10/98 on desktop pc


I sent a bug report (Bug#28846) with the same subject a few days
ago. As there was no response I'd like to raise the issue here again:

I tried booting a desktop pc with the mentioned rescue floppy. It
fails. Last output is:

Loading linux..

(that is: two dots). Nothing more happens. The very same PC boots just 
fine using

Debian 1.3 rescue floppy
or Modified Debian 2.0 floppy (see Bug#23181)
or tomsrtbt-1.6.335 (also with 2.0.35)

So it seems that the 2.0 syslinux bug is still alive.

I have the machine which failed to boot under my desk, so I easily can
dig deeper if someonly could give me a starting point.

Kind regards


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