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Re: broken eterm

On Sat, Oct 24, 1998 at 03:33:20PM +0100, Edward Betts wrote:
> is it me, or is the new version of eterm i just downloaded very broken.
> no themes were included, in fact my old ones that were modified were deleted,
> if i run eterm --trans --shaded it takes ages to load. i include an strace
> and if i run less it complains about the terminal not being setup properly
> the term varible is set to xterm-debian in my .Xresources file.
ACK!!! Looks like I borked it very badly.  I'm not maintainer, but I was asked
to do an NMU for Shaleh while he was at ALS.  There's quite a bit of hacking
involved with the Eterm Makefiles (being fixed in the next revision,
  I'll try to get a new version up tonight.  Sorry, Shaleh!!!


Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/~bma/
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