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Re: Bug 26827 again (about secure-su)

On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 01:46:12AM -0400, warp@whitestar.soark.net wrote:
> 'Conflicts: secure-su' would work great, as fileutils is
> 'Essential: yes' we should thus just pull secure-su from debian, as its
> not going to be installed on ANY debian system..

No, I didn't mean fileutils. But the package that use su and relies on
gnu-su features.

> Renaming the binary to gnu-su and using alternatives to select what gets
> run when you run su would be more reasonable..
> > How about a gnu-su package instead of including it into fileutils?
> That would work, the bug can be closed as soon as thats straightened
> out, and not before...

Hey, no one wanted to offend you. But it sounds as if you are. If I used the
wrong tone I'm sorry.


Dr. Michael Meskes      | Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz | Go SF49ers!
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