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Re: Another upgrade problem

On Mon, Oct 19, 1998 at 06:42:22PM +0100, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> Does this not mean that libgtop has been developed to a point
> where it is no longer backwards compatible so other apps must
> be recompiled against the new version?

Maybe yes. But the version did not change very much so I wonder how likely
that is.

> If so, is it not the other packages which are broken and need to be
> recompiled?

Is so, yes.

> Or am I just horribly, horribly confused (most likely option in my
> opinion  :-)    )?

But even in this case I think we should keep the old version in slink, not
the new one.

Dr. Michael Meskes      | Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz | Go SF49ers!
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