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Re: Can I create a sym-link in CVS?

Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> writes:

> I know this question is slightly off-topic but I don't know where
> else to ask.  There are some files which are required in multiple
> places in the CVS such as debian/kderules.  When I find bugs in such
> files I'd like to fix them all at one go (otherwise I'll surely miss
> some and make things more of a PITA for the next person).  Is there
> any way I can link a bunch of files in CVS?  I'd either like to have
> the equivalent of sym-links or hard links in CVS, or would it be
> possible for the CVS database files to be links?  The CVS man page
> doesn't mention any possibility of doing this...

CVS can't AFAIK handle symlinks directly.  You can:

  1) add code to debian/rules to create them when appropriate
  2) investigate the cvs PreservePermissions option (though it has drawbacks)
  3) look into cvswrappers

For more info try

  $ info cvs
  C-s symbolic link

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

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