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Better (inc. asynchronous) DNS client (stub resolver)

I didn't much like libresolv, so I decided I would write a stub
resolver.  In particular, it will make it much easier to make DNS
queries for various kinds of record and get the information you
actually wanted, and it will be useable asynchronously (ie in programs
with a select loop).

I'm halfway through implementation, but it occurred to me that some
people might like to comment on my proposed API.  So, below you'll
find a prototype of the header file.  You'll notice I haven't given it
a proper software licence yet, but the library itself will be GPL'd.

If you have some requirement you don't think would be addressed by the
API presented below let me know.  If you don't understand the API
below then I'm afraid I can't help you atm - I haven't written the
documentation yet.

 * Copyright (C)1998 Ian Jackson.
 * This version provided for review and comment only.
 * $Id: adns.h,v 1.18 1998/10/07 00:53:53 ian Exp $


#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

typedef struct adns__state *adns_state;
typedef struct adns__query *adns_query;

typedef enum {
  adns_if_noenv=        0x0001, /* do not look at environment */
  adns_if_noerrprint=   0x0002, /* never print output to stderr (_debug overrides) */
  adns_if_noserverwarn= 0x0004, /* do not warn to stderr about duff nameservers etc */
  adns_if_debug=        0x0008, /* enable all output to stderr plus debug msgs */
  adns_if_noautosys=    0x0010, /* do not make syscalls at every opportunity */
} adns_initflags;

typedef enum {
  adns_qf_search=     0x0001, /* use the searchlist */
  adns_qf_usevc=      0x0002, /* use a virtual circuit (TCP connection) */
  adns_qf_anyquote=   0x0004,
  adns_qf_loosecname= 0x0008, /* allow refs to CNAMEs - without, get _s_cname */
  adns_qf_nocname=    0x0010, /* don't follow CNAMEs, instead give _s_cname */
} adns_queryflags;

typedef enum {
  adns__rrt_typemask=  0x0ffff,
  adns__qtf_deref=     0x10000, /* dereference domains and perhaps produce extra data */
  adns__qtf_mail822=   0x20000, /* make mailboxes be in RFC822 rcpt field format */
  adns__qtf_masterfmt= 0x80000, /* convert RRs to master file format, return as str */
  adns_r_none=               0,
  adns_r_a=                  1,
  adns_r_a_mf=                  adns_r_a|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_ns_raw=             2,
  adns_r_ns=                    adns_r_ns_raw|adns__qtf_deref,
  adns_r_ns_mf=                 adns_r_ns_raw|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_cname=              5,
  adns_r_cname_mf=              adns_r_cname|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_soa_raw=            6,
  adns_r_soa=                   adns_r_soa_raw|adns__qtf_mail822, 
  adns_r_soa_mf=                adns_r_soa_raw|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_null=              10,
  adns_r_null_mf=               adns_r_null|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_ptr_raw=           12,
  adns_r_ptr=                   adns_r_ptr_raw|adns__qtf_deref,
  adns_r_ptr_mf=                adns_r_ptr_raw|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_hinfo=             13,  
  adns_r_hinfo_mf=              adns_r_hinfo|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_mx_raw=            15,
  adns_r_mx=                    adns_r_mx_raw|adns__qtf_deref,
  adns_r_mx_mf=                 adns_r_mx_raw|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_txt=               16,
  adns_r_txt_mf=                adns_r_txt|adns__qtf_masterfmt,
  adns_r_rp_raw=            17,
  adns_r_rp=                    adns_r_rp_raw|adns__qtf_mail822,
  adns_r_rp_mf=                 adns_r_rp_raw|adns__qtf_masterfmt
} adns_rrtype;

/* In queries without qtf_anyquote, all domains must have standard
 * legal syntax.  In queries _with_ qtf_anyquote, domains in the query
 * or response may contain any characters, quoted according to
 * RFC1035 5.1.  On input to adns, the char* is a pointer to the
 * interior of a " delimited string, except that " may appear in it,
 * and on output, the char* is a pointer to a string which would be
 * legal either inside or outside " delimiters, and any characters
 * not usually legal in domain names will be quoted as \X
 * (if the character is 33-126 except \ and ") or \DDD.
 * _qtf_anyquote is ignored for _mf queries.
 * Do not ask for _raw records containing mailboxes without
 * specifying _qf_anyquote.

typedef enum {
  adns_s_max_tempfail= 99,
  adns_s_inconsistent, /* PTR gives domain whose A does not match */
  adns_s_cname, /* CNAME found where data eg A expected (not if _qf_loosecname) */
  /* fixme: implement _s_cname */
  adns_s_max_remotemisconfig= 199,
} adns_status;

typedef struct {
  char *dm;
  adns_status astatus;
  int naddrs; /* temp fail => -1, perm fail => 0, s_ok => >0 */
  struct in_addr *addrs;
} adns_rr_dmaddr;

typedef struct {
  char *a, *b;
} adns_rr_strpair;

typedef struct {
  int i;
  adns_rr_dmaddr dmaddr;
} adns_rr_intdmaddr;

typedef struct {
  int i;
  char *str;
} adns_rr_intstr;

typedef struct {
  char *ns0, *rp;
  unsigned long serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum;
} adns_rr_soa;

typedef struct {
  adns_status status;
  char *cname; /* always NULL if query was for CNAME records */
  adns_rrtype type;
  int nrrs;
  union {
    char *(*str);                  /* ns_raw, cname, ptr, ptr_raw, txt, <any>_mf */
    struct in_addr *inaddr;        /* a */
    adns_rr_dmaddr *dmaddr;        /* ns */
    adns_rr_strpair *strpair;      /* hinfo, rp, rp_raw */
    adns_rr_intdmaddr *intdmaddr;  /* mx */
    adns_rr_intstr *intstr;        /* mx_raw */
    adns_rr_soa *soa;              /* soa, soa_raw */
    /* NULL is empty */
  } rrs;
} adns_answer;

/* Memory management:
 *  adns_state and adns_query are actually pointers to malloc'd state;
 *  On submission questions are copied, including the owner domain;
 *  Answers are malloc'd as a single piece of memory; pointers in the
 *  answer struct point into further memory in the answer.
 * query_io:
 *  Must always be non-null pointer;
 *  If *query_io is 0 to start with then any query may be returned;
 *  If *query_io is !0 adns_query then only that query may be returned.
 *  If the call is successful, *query_io, *answer_r, and *context_r
 *  will all be set.
 * Errors:
 *  Return values are 0 or an errno value;
 *  Seriously fatal system errors (eg, failure to create sockets,
 *  malloc failure, etc.) return errno values;
 *  Other errors (nameserver failure, timed out connections, &c)
 *  are returned in the status field of the answer.  If status is
 *  nonzero then nrrs will be 0, otherwise it will be >0.
 *  type will always be the type requested;
 *  If no (appropriate) requests are done adns_check returns EWOULDBLOCK;
 *  If no (appropriate) requests are outstanding adns_query and adns_wait return ESRCH;

int adns_init(adns_state *newstate_r, adns_initflags flags, FILE *diagfile/*0=>stderr*/);

int adns_synchronous(adns_state ads,
		     const char *owner,
		     adns_rrtype type,
		     adns_queryflags flags,
		     adns_answer **answer_r);
/* Will not return EINTR. */

/* NB: if you set adns_if_noautosys then _submit and _check do not
 * make any system calls; you must use adns_callback (possibly after
 * adns_interest) to actually get things to happen.

int adns_submit(adns_state ads,
		const char *owner,
		adns_rrtype type,
		adns_queryflags flags,
		void *context,
		adns_query *query_r);

int adns_check(adns_state ads,
	       adns_query *query_io,
	       adns_answer **answer_r,
	       void **context_r);

int adns_wait(adns_state ads,
	      adns_query *query_io,
	      adns_answer **answer_r,
	      void **context_r);
/* Might return EINTR - if so, try again */

void adns_cancel(adns_state ads, adns_query query);

int adns_finish(adns_state);

int adns_callback(adns_state, int maxfd, const fd_set *readfds, const fd_set *writefds,
		  const fd_set *exceptfds);
/* Gives adns flow-of-control for a bit.  This will never block.
 * If maxfd == -1 then adns will check (make nonblocking system calls on)
 * all of its own filedescriptors; otherwise it will only use those
 * < maxfd and specified in the fd_set's, as if select had returned them.
 * Other fd's may be in the fd_sets, and will be ignored.
 * _callback returns how many adns fd's were in the various sets, so
 * you can tell if your select handling code has missed something and is going awol.
 * May also return -1 if a critical syscall failed, setting errno.

void adns_interest(adns_state, int *maxfd_io, fd_set *readfds_io,
		   fd_set *writefds_io, fd_set *exceptfds_io,
		   struct timeval **tv_mod, struct timeval *tv_buf);
/* Find out file descriptors adns is interested in, and when it
 * would like the opportunity to time something out.  If you do not plan to
 * block then tv_mod may be 0.  Otherwise, tv_mod may point to 0 meaning
 * you have no timeout of your own, in which case tv_buf must be non-null and
 * _interest may fill it in and set *tv_mod=tv_buf.
 * readfds, writefds, exceptfds and maxfd may not be 0.

/* Example expected/legal calling sequences:
 *  adns_init
 *  adns_submit 1
 *  adns_submit 2
 *  adns_submit 3
 *  adns_wait 1
 *  adns_check 3 -> EWOULDBLOCK
 *  adns_wait 2
 *  adns_wait 3
 *  ....
 *  adns_finish
 *  adns_init _noautosys
 *  loop {
 *   adns_interest
 *   select
 *   adns_callback
 *   ...
 *   adns_submit / adns_check
 *   ...
 *  }


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