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Re: Kaffe 1.0 beta debian package...

On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 11:54:15PM -0400, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > 2) This isn't what Experimental is for. There's no prohibition against alpha
> >    or beta software in the main distribution. There are plenty of other
> >    packages of software still under development in the distribution.
> > 
> > Experimental is for when you want to release a new version of a package that
> > introduces severe changes that could break a working system. The increasing
> > tendency to put everything in Experimental because the package might (horrors)
> > have a bug in it is silly and counterproductive.
> It depends. You wouldn't put very early and buggy version of egcs into the 
> main distribution, would you? Just innocent upgrade to not working Java
> compiler or JVM could break a lot of things. Production code suddenly stops
> working, ... Horrors. At least for me. 
> I think you should realize that people use Debian not only as a hobby but for 
> production.

This is again the old question on how to (re)organize the archive and the
distribution. I like very much the idea proposed by someone some time ago
of a stable pool that becomes the stable dists every 4 months and an
unstable pool for new/experimental/buggy/beta packages. After some testing
the packages are moved to the stable pool. I think this solution will
solve problems like the one described above. What about doing something
like that after the release of hamm?


* Federico DI Gregorio ** GCS/S/>L d- s:>:+ a26 C++ UL++ P+++ L*+++>$ D *
*   <fog@debian.org>   ** W+>++ N+ o? !K w--->!$ O M- V-- PS+(+++) PE(--) 
*   Debian Developer   ** Y+(-)(+)(-)... PGP+ s+ 5- X+++ R*<+(+++) b+++ *
*                      ** DI++ D---- G- e+++>++++ h--- r++ z++          *

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