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Should xisp conflict with diald?


I am resolving the bugs on xisp. Bug 15541 says:

Sometimes I forget I installed diald and use xisp. After xisp
completes the connection I still cannot reach the outside world
since the routing table from diald is still in place.

So either xisp should conflict with diald so this cannot happen,
or it should update the routing table better.

I am not familiar with diald, but I think it creates a default route on a
dummy device. Now pppd (called by xisp) can't setup a default route just
like it would be the case, if you had installed a default route over a

I don't think this is a bug, but expected behaviour. Pppd never messes
with a route some other programm has set up, so xisp shouldn't do this as

If xisp would change the routing table, it would render diald unusable, so 
I would get bugs about this as well :-) Generally diald seems to be
"incompatible" with any other dialin programm/script including pon/poff.

Or am I wrong with this? I tend to close the bug with this explanation.


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