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Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?

On Sun, Jun 28, 1998 at 03:38:26PM -0400, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> Raul Miller wrote:
> > Sure: choosing to violate a license, or not, is a moral issue.
> > 
> > But, note that this is also a legal issue.
> Ok the KDE license needs work I admit that is something they really need
> to address.  With your permission I will forward key parts of this
> dissuasion to them so they can address it.
> But the Qt licence is clear.

Please save your time for more important thinks:

KDE is FORCED to use the GPL as their license, because Qt "free" license
forces the GPL on every project that uses it.

So Qt forces the KDE project to violate their own license. KDE has no choice
to choose another license.


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