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Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?

On Jun 27, Igor Grobman decided to present us with:
> Some time around  Sat, 27 Jun 1998 20:54:32 EDT, 
>          Dan Jacobowitz wrote:
>  > Actually, I think there would be merit to this.  The problem with
>  > shipping contrib on CDs is that by definition  contrib packages can
>  > depend on non-free packages - so basically, the CD does not contain
>  > every package depended on by other packages.  We can't always resolve
>  > that, but where we can, we should.
> But we don't want to spend our efforts trying to separate the "cd-ok" packages 
> only to find out later that whoever did the work did not do it well enough for 
> us not to get sued.

Effort? Just create a new dist that is non-free-but-CD-OK (maybe
the hardest part is coming up with a good name, but then contrib
already sucks). Next time a maintainer of a non-free package
wants to make an upload, this maintainer will likely _want_ to
check if the package is CD-OK, and then upload it to CD-OK
instead of non-free. That simple.

Of course, when slink is released, a lot of stuff that should
have been moved to CD-OK will remain in non-free, but so what?
In time this will fix itself... ;-)

DISCLAIMER: not that I support the idea. I'm neither for it or
against it. But I think "effort" isn't a valid argument against,

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