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Re: libc6_2.0.7 release notes...

>>"Lalo" == Lalo Martins <lalo@webcom.com> writes:

 Lalo> Yes yes YES, here's the wrong thing I was smelling in this. We
 Lalo> can't just bump numbers that come after the dash because they're
 Lalo> not propagated to the .orig.tar.gz and that's bad.

 Lalo> The proposal I like most are the "epochs to the right", but they
 Lalo> should be tacked to the upstream number, not the debian
 Lalo> revision; ie

 Lalo> upstream       epochs    above proposal      .99        "pre-epochs"
 Lalo> 2.0.8pre1   2.0.8pre1-1    2.0.8-0pre1    2.0.8!1-1
 Lalo> 2.0.8pre2   2.0.8pre2-2    2.0.8-0pre2    2.0.8!2-1
 Lalo> 2.0.8        1:2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1       2.0.8-1
 Lalo> 2.0.9pre1  1:2.0.9pre1-1   2.0.9-0pre1    2.0.9!1-1
 Lalo> 2.0.9        2:2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1       2.0.9-1

 Lalo> judge for yourselves.

 Lalo> epochs:

 Lalo> as already discussed, the use of epochs alone (of course they
 Lalo> could be combined with something else) would "never stop",
 Lalo> increasing on each pre/upstream pair.

	I am tempted to say, so what? 

 Lalo> anything tacked to the "debian revision" part:
 Lalo> not really ugly, and the "-0xxx" proposal solves a lot, but how
 Lalo> do this deal with .orig.tar.gz's?

	I think this is a valid (and for me, a show stopper)
 objection. We should not pretend to have the real release sources
 when we don't really. 

 Lalo> .99:

 Lalo> this works, of course. Except if there already _is_ -
 Lalo> what if, after 89723234 releases of gimp 0.99, they decided to
 Lalo> release a "gimp 1.0pre1"?

	Huh? Why cant you tack another .99 to it? like gimp ? This method continues to work
 irrespective of what the upstream version is. 

	Probably the best solution we can implement today. Does
 require munging the upstream version a bit; but hey, these are not
 real releases in the first place. 

 Lalo> "pre-epochs":

	Require changes to dpkg, and hence not likely to happen in a
 hurry. Where the pre epochs go is irrelevant; The critical idea
 presented begore was a special numeric tag added to a version that
 makes the version sort *LOWER* in dpkg's algorithm. Unlike epochs,
 which make the version sort *HIGHER*. 

	Placement of pre-epoch is an irrelevant implementation detail.

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