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Re: No sane person?

It is reviews like thisa that just eat me apart.  Linux == UNIX.  Get
the HELL over it.  This damn KDE looking like Windows and getting the
newbie bullshit is about to make me want to kill.

I feel better now.  I had to fight the urge to send that to the
reviewer.  Now that said, Linux is not in my mind meant to be the
operating system for my grand mother.  I will happily give her a Mac or
a Windows PC.  Many of us call it "WorkStation" for a reason.  If I
spend another half hour on IRC helping a RH clueless luser figure out
how to install a new lib I think I will scream.  Maybe tomorrow I will
send a more happy letter to our kind reviewer.  Probably not.  The
"Project Heresy" review was a little more correct.  Even though they
used RH too.  Seems that Rh and M$ make the only OS for PC's any more. 

// that was still a little heavy sorry all

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