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"Steve" == Steve Dunham <dunham@cps.msu.edu> writes:

Steve> to exist?  The Sparc trees, both hamm and slink, are completely
Steve> screwed up because about 200 packages in the tree depend on the
Steve> glibc that has been sitting in Incoming since May 4.

Actually the famous missing libc6_2.0.93-980414-1_sparc.deb was
installed today.  :-)   As they say on IRC, w00 w00.

Steve> If we're not having a "sparc" version of "hamm", should the
Steve> tree even exist in hamm?  (The glibc in question is destined

After coming this far it'd be a shame not to release it -- it works,
after all, and its good for marketing.  ;-)

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