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Re: RFD : libg++/gcc/egcs upgrades needed for libc6 (READ ME)

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> We will come to a point, where gcc 2.7.2 will not be able to compile all
> packages (C++ comes to mind. Only recently gcc 2.7 was able to compile
> libgtkmm, because of substantial changes in libgtkmm. Others may follow).

If someone developes exclusively on a working C++ implementation there is
very little hope that 2.7 will be able to compile the code. I have to
regularly compile deity on va just to make sure that some obscure bug
in 2.7 doesn't prevent compiling. 

> Is it a bug in the standard compiler if a package can't be compiled or a bug
> in the package? If a package can be compiled with egcs (and it follows the
> standard of that language), but can't be compiled with gcc, what is to fix?

I think tweeking correct code to work with a broken compiler is a poor
idea. My feeling is that we should prefer that C++ programs are compiled
with libg++ 2.8 (ie egcs or 2.8) and use 2.7 only for very broken code
that relies on non-standard things.


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