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Re: Emacs Add-On Packages and the new Emacsen Proposal.

>>>>> On 21 Feb 1998 13:50:07 -0800, Stephen Zander <srz@mckesson.com> said:

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:
 Manoj> Hi,
 >>>> "DGMS" == Davide G M Salvetti <salve@debian.org> writes:

 DGMS> Hi, I'd just like to remember to Emacs add-on packages
 DGMS> maintainers that we should change our packages to work with the
 DGMS> new emacsen proposal by Rob Browning.

 Manoj> I'm afraid this shall have to wait until we have an emacs19
 Manoj> package to use. I currently use emacs 19.34, and have not
 Manoj> ported my 10M of personal elisp files to emacs 20 (which I
 Manoj> have in /opt).

 Manoj> I cannot install emacs20 since it would have me remove my
 Manoj> current emacs, which is ot acceptable on my production
 Manoj> machine(the only one I own).

 Manoj> Since I can not test my packages, I won't be able to upload a
 Manoj> new version until after the emacs19 has been uploaded;

 Stephen> I believe the XEmacs users are similarly disenfranchised.

 Stephen> BTW, where'd the XEmacs maintainer dissappear to?  I
 Stephen> eventaully went & built my own 20.3 (Gnus behaves better now
 Stephen> :)) but it would be nice to have a legit version.

I'm here still.  I've been waiting on both the canna and wnn packages
from the Japanese project being put officially into debian (which
still hasn't happened though it was discussed months ago) and the
emacsen-common package coming out (which was released a few days
before I went on a business trip so I haven't had a chance to update
things to use that) before I did major upgrades on the xemacs
packages.  I'll be working on them this next week and hopefully there
will be new packages out next weekend.

As an aside it looks like 20.4 will be out shortly so I'll be using
that as the code base for xemacs20 packages rather than 20.3.

@James LewisMoss <dres@dimensional.com> |  Blessed Be!
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