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Re: Oops! Java VP's missing (was Re: Virtual Packages)

On Fri, Feb 20, 1998 at 04:55:54PM +0100, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> The java VP's which have been added to the list on Jan 7, 97 and have been
> dropped again on Mar 15, 97 again :-) are these: 
> java-base-libs          Any implementation of the basic class libraries
> java-awt-libs           Any implementation of the Abstract Window Toolkit
> java-compiler           Any java source to bytecode compiler
> java-virtual-machine    Anything providing a java virtual machine
> java-appletviewer       Anything that can display java applets
> It would be good to hear from a java-package expert which packages are
> really needed now. (I've seen several proposal so far.) When someone sets
> up a new proposal for java/vrml/whether VP's, please add a list of
> packages which will Provide or Depend/Conflict/Suggest/... the VP's. It's
> current policy that we only add new VP's to the list, if they are really
> used by packages.

guavac suggests java-virtual-machine, and should provide java-compiler
(but doesn't yet). It has its own set of prototypes for the standard
Java libraries, so it doesn't need to depend on java-*-libs.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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