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server side stuff for opie

Joel Klecker wrote:
>At 20:59 -0500 1998-02-17, Michael Stone wrote:
>>Quoting Jens Ritter (jens@unsolved.weh.rwth-aachen.de):
>>> I intend to package OTP a One time Password generator written by John
>>> Walker available from http://www.fourmilab.ch/onetime/otpgen.html, who
>>> put it in the public domain.
>>> This password generator features MD5, pure random and digraph
>>> statistics obeying password.
>>> Please respond, too, if there is a On Time Password generator
>>> available in Debian now.
>>The opie/skey key generater is packaged as opie, but I don't think the
>>server side stuff has been packaged.
>I chose not to attempt to package the OTP-capable ftpd, su, and login,
>which comes with the opie upstream 

I'll try to do that once I get back to the US.  I think I might have to do
it anyways for my debian boxes in the lab, because I remember them talking
about requiring opie/skey logins for all machines in the lab.


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