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Intent to intend to package various Project Athena software

As experience shows i'll never get around to this if i don't commit somehow.
So even though i have zero time right now, i'll state publicly that I want to
package some Project Athena software. 

I would be a new-maintainer, so this doubles as an announcement of such,
though i don't think such announcements would be needed normally. I htink i
can get my pgp key properly signed by a debian developer, so i'll try to do
that and then send it to the new-maintainer people.

The first and probably the only one anyone other than me would be excited
about is the Zephyr messaging system. The distribution is at
athena-dist.mit.edu somewhere.

One issue is that it can be built with or without kerberos. I'm entirely
unclear on Canadian crypto export laws. I suspect I cannot be a non-US
maintainer of kerberos. I think it might be legal for me to export software
that wasn't originally exported from the US though. In any case if anyone can
fill me in on Canadian crypto export laws that would be great.

In any case this means there would likely be two versions of all the packages,
with and without kerberos. And someone outside the US and maybe Canada would
have to build the kerberized versions.

There would probably be at least three packages:

zephyr		(clients)
zephyr-server	(server binary)
zephyr-devel	(static library and include files)

I don't see a big need for libzephyr/zephyr-base. There are other programs out
there with zephyr support but I doubt they'll ever be packaged, and if they
were it's unlikely anyone would want to use one without also having the normal
zephyr clients around as well.

Some additional thoughts: the distribution includes a copy of libss and
com_err. It would be interesting to try to use the linux shared libraries
instead. And normally libzephyr isn't built into a shared library but i don't
see any reason not to do so, or at least try.


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